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Is there anything more fitting for The Words Issue than a curated selection of wedding readings for your friends to read? We certainly don’t think so!

We’ve already, rounded up readings celebrating the foundation of every good relationship- friendship . But today, we’re turning our attention to the cherished friends who will have the honour of standing beside you on your wedding day.

We know asking your nearest and dearest to deliver a reading can be both exciting and a bit daunting. You want the words to capture the depth of your love story, but also reflect the unique connection you share with that special friend. It’s a delicate balance to strike.

That’s why we’ve pulled together a bunch of heartfelt, poetic readings that perfectly encapsulate the unwavering support, laughter and specialness of friendship. Whether you’re looking for something sentimental, humorous, or simply meaningful, this collection has something to suit every couple and their beloved wedding party.

So click through, get inspired, and give your friends the honour of delivering a reading that celebrates both your love and your cherished bond. After all, the people who know you best are the ones you’ll want to uplift you on your wedding day.

Header & above photo by Chamore Creations via Erin & Bree’s Bright Party Wedding at The Acre Boomerang Farm

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