Happy Monday Dotties! The final week of June is here and the world is oh so slowly beginning to open up again.

As we look into a somewhat uncertain future in lots of ways, we need to find comfort in the familiar things – family, your partner, memories, and little family traditions – things that give you the assurance that we can find enjoyment and security in the smaller things. What possibilities await? Take a look at our Polka Dot Directory and choose your vendors for your future wedding, who will take care to help you. We have Menswear,  we have Photography, we have Stationery and Accessories – we even have Wedding Planners and Jewellery.

Check out the Polka Dot Directory for wedding vendors who will love your wedding as much as you!

Photo one by Ashleigh Haase Photo two by Gill Juergens Photo three by Robert Geary Photo

When someone so obviously loves their job, it is this magnetic quality that draws you to them. Erica of Erica The Celebrant has such an enthusiasm which is infectious and she strives to make this one of the best days of your life. Her care in getting to know you and your dreams, crafting your ceremony to reflect who you are, and making it special and memorable is something that she takes great pride in.

And don’t you just love this quote from her? “I believe that everyone deserves to marry the one they cannot live without.” And that’s love in a nutshell!

We asked Erica of Erica The Celebrant five questions in five minutes:

What is the most important piece of advice you can give to engaged couples?

Be “yourselves” throughout the wedding process. Don’t try to make your wedding something that doesn’t reflect you as a couple.

I always try to make my couples feel as relaxed as possible so I can get an understanding and an idea of the real them. A couple will always remember a fab ceremony that reflects them as a couple and so will their guests.

Tell us about a hidden talent you have?

I am excellent at trivia! Especially music trivia… I have no idea why but I can recall a song from the past with no trouble… ask my husband, he’s very impressed.

As a vendor, what excites you about the wedding day?

I love the whole pre-ceremony anticipation. The guests are excited. The groom is excited… (he may not always show it on the outside).
And the Bride her bride tribe, well they are always excited. The look on the bride’s face as she starts to walk.. especially when she sees her groom is beautiful and so personal. It’s the best. It is also the time I feel most nervous. But, as soon as I see the bride and start the ceremony I feel instantly at ease. I just love it!

What are you known for?

My organisation skills, my friendly personality, my smiley face and my innate ability to make you feel relaxed. My mantra is “everybody deserves to marry the one they cannot live without” so I am here to make my couples day the best it can be.

If you could choose a song to play for the rest of your life what would it be?

Oh god, how can I pick one?

So I’ll say 2:

1) Deadcrush by Alt J
2) In the waiting line by Zero 7.

Visit Erica The Celebrant’s pages to find out more about our Vendor Of The Week. Erica The Celebrant is a member of the Polka Dot Directory.