Jelly shots might sound like something you’d present for an 18th birthday party rather than a wedding, but think again. Jelly shots just got glamorous! Quick, easy and super-sexy, these shots are so simple to make and are bound to impress your guests.


  • Cranberry Jelly Mix
  • Vodka
  • Water
  • Fresh Raspberries
  • Vanilla Pashmak Fairy Floss


1. Follow the instructions on the jelly mix box by emptying the contents into a bowl and adding 1 cup (250ml) of boiling water. Stir until the crystals are dissolved.

2. Allow to cool (otherwise the heat will cause the alcohol to evaporate).

3. Instead of adding the instructed 200ml of cold water substitute this with vodka.

4. Pour into shot glasses and gently add 2 raspberries to each shot glass.

5. Refrigerate until set (approximately 4 hours).

6. Once set and just before serving, top with Vanilla Pashmak fairy floss (like most sugary treats once the fairy floss meets with air it becomes damp and sticky, so work quickly).

7. Place on a platter along with some small spoons to display.

8. Sit back and enjoy watching your guests eyes light up when they spot these delicious decadent pretties.

Photos by Nicky McLauchlan

Swirl divider10 A Very Vintage Wedding Fair

Ms Gingham says: Mmmm. Yum!

About Ms Lace: A Brisbane girl who writes the inspiring wedding blog,  Chasing Rainbows Kissing Frogs which showcases ideas, vendors and weddings from around the world. Having lived everywhere from Paris to Beirut and Saudi Arabia, the only language Ms Lace is fluent in is weddings. “Weddings make me giddy!”

Ms Lace writes regularly for the blog. Read her previous posts here.