Blush Pink

A blush pink, soft as a baby’s cheek and ultra-romantic. Combine with: slightly darker pinks – think the inside petals of a rose.  With white, in all its different shades from pink-white to off-white. With soft grey – embellish this with pink crystals, pink sashes, pink shoes to tie it into your pink scheme. With pale coffee/stone to balance any ‘sugary’ overtones. With touches of black – to add a counterpoint to all that sweetness. With soft greens from olives through to fresh leaf greens, sage green. Peonies, roses, pink seed heads of various grasses, hydrangeas, orchids, hyacinths, in large voluptuous arrangements or simple single blooms in generous groups in silver or vintage glass containers, soft grey furry leaves, flannel flowers, jasmine, armfuls of frothy white flowers. Read more...
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