We share a lot of beauty here at Polka Dot Wedding. There are endless bouquets and the most incredible gowns. Receptions that knock our socks off. But what happens when the day is over? When the Champagne bottle is empty, when the marquee packed away? What happens fifteen years on?

We all know what it is to live the mundane. We all wash dishes, take out the rubbish, mow the lawn, and do the household cleaning, and fifteen years on from their wedding, Liz and Lyle wanted to honour the romance, the pretty and the detail of a wedding day, but also of the mundane, of the day to day, of what it is to live together every day – and they invited photographer Hikari Productions to capture it. Explains Liz ,”We’re about to celebrate our 15th anniversary and I’ve been wanting to do a shoot with our wedding clothes on with a “fast forward” to all the things we now do in daily life – cooking dinner, taking the kids to school, cleaning the house, shopping for groceries… working out at the gym… moving house! It may be an impossible multi-location shoot but I think it would be amazing.”

And that is exactly where the beauty lies – because we (mostly) only get one wedding day, but the rest of our days? Where do we live our lives? Those are the moments that truly count, Liz agrees “It was in our home, just being together. I wanted to capture the everyday moments of life that marriage also entails, beyond the ceremony. Life is often beautifully unglamorous.”