Combining a little bit of brass and industrial action with fresh-cut flowers is a guaranteed winner! These test tube stem vases are very sweet and can be placed anywhere to create a little extra magic. A few things to note to ensure your crafty vases don’t topple over – buy heavy hardware that will support the test tube, use a shorter test tube and keep the water right at the base, use lightweight flowers, and give them a test run. We adore this easy way to add more flowers to your day – because more flowers equal better – right?! Try your hand at this Floral Stems & Test Tube Vases DIY Tutorial!

What You Will Need:

  • Brass and copper hardware from the plumbing section at Bunnings – let your imagination go wild! Take a test tube to the store to make sure they’ll fit
  • Test tubes
  • Fresh flowers (use lightweight blooms)

Step One

Remove tags from the hardware, and ensure they are clean and dust free. Carefully fill the bottom 2cm of the test tube with water, and gently place it into the hardware.

Step Two 

Gently place stems of fresh flowers into the test tubes. You can cluster these together to create an en masse effect, or use them individually at guests’ place settings. So sweet!