As is tradition when it comes to kicking off our theme months, we’re going to take a happy, dotty stroll down the Polka Dot Wedding archives to re-live some of our fabulous spotty moments from Polka Dots past! Weddings and inspiration we have gathered over the years we are sure to tug at the heartstrings of any dot enthusiast (our’s included!). So sit back with a cup of something (cold or hot! Spiked or not – reader’s choice!) and enjoy our “Dots From The Great Beyond: Polka Dot Posts From Our Archives”…

Modern Black Tie Polka Dot Wedding

Images: Girl In The White Dress

Roll Me In Colour: Colour-filled & Fun Wedding Ideas

Images: Richelle Casson Photography

Sweet Handmade Forest Wedding

Images: We Are All Stardust

Modern Rustic Wedding at Camp Sunnystones

Images: Motta Weddings

Karen & Lane’s Polka Dot Wedding – (an oldie but a goodie!)

Images: Aaron Shintaku Photography.

Everything Old Is New Again – My Recycled Polka Dot Wedding Dress

Image: The White Tree