The vest, or waistcoat, is a fantastic way to add some personality to your suit, particularly on your wedding day. Here are a few tips and ideas from the team at Institchu on how to make it work for you!

Header Image: Oliver Smith Photo and Image via Institchu

Leave the Bottom Button Undone

If you are going to do a waistcoat, always remember to leave the bottom button of the vest undone! It’s a small detail but one that tailors and fashionistas will never miss. The story is that Edward VII was so fat he couldn’t do up the bottom button on his vest, so the rest of his court followed suit, to not embarrass him. It’s a tradition that perseveres today, and it’s a hard rule for wearing a vest.

Roll Your Shirt Sleeves Up!

If it’s a warm day, or the dancefloor is calling your name, and you’re losing the jackets, remember to roll your sleeves up when the blazer comes off. It’ll help make sure you don’t look like a waiter or bartender.

Consider the Warmth Benefit

If it’s a winter wedding, the addition of a waistcoat to a thick flannel suit will add another layer of warmth to your get-up, meaning you won’t need a coat. But if it’s hot, then the extra layer can mean you’re sweating in no time. If it’s going to be warm and you’re committed to a waistcoat, ensure it’s crafted from breathable wool or lightweight linen.

Image via Institchu

Double the Trouble!

Adding a double-breasted waistcoat to your suit can be a great way to inject some personality into an ordinary work-day wool suit. Monday to Friday, leave the waistcoat at home and wear your single-breasted two-piece suit as usual, and for weddings and the races, add some flair!

Get the Fit Right

A waistcoat is a great way to keep everything tucked in, and to ensure a flattering silhouette – the fact that less contrasting shirt fabric is visible keeps the look slimming. But if the waistcoat doesn’t fit, buttons start to pop, shirts come untucked and the extra fabric can do more harm than good. The same goes for a vest that is too large – it will add extra fabric to fit and can create a crumpled look if the waistcoat bunches up. The best bet is to ensure it’s custom, made-to-measure, and you’ll be on the money. 

Image via Oliver Smith Photo