
I was excited to see Definitely, Maybe because Aussie expat Isla Fisher stars in it and I wanted to see her somewhere else than the shores of Summer Bay!

Although a romantic chick flick, Definitely, Maybe was enjoyable for it’s real moments. Isla Fisher has been quoted as saying she likes the movie because there are no perfect characters and she’s right- Definitely, Maybe is realistic, every character has their flaws and there isn’t a ‘golden girl’.

The way the story is told provides some light relief and a point of interest to differentiate it from other romantic comedies. Ryan Reynolds played his role surprisingly well. The movie also features child actor Abigail Breslin (of Little Miss Sunshine), Elizabeth Banks and Rachel Weisz.

The winding mystery of the story is entertaining, with the moments after the romantic ‘foot pop’- the awkward silences, the tears, the anger all written in. Which at least tries to break the ‘happily ever after’ Hollywood cliche!

A great movie for a lazy night in!


Definitely Maybe gets 3 out of 5 dots!