Baccini & Hill

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Stories... Baccini & Hill

Dee & Rafal Dee & Rafal certainly embraced their own respective cultures with their two day wedding festival! They kicked […]
   Ruth & Benn There is something wildly magical about marrying at a museum. Especially Melbourne’s Musuem with it’s incredible […]
Megan and Matt A garden wedding in a historic homestead always tickles my fancy. Perhaps it’s the echoes of the […]
Teagan and Jay Well, it has been just over five months now since the big day. I wish I could […]
Gemma and Richard As lovers of their city, Gem and Richard made sure to showcase their favourite parts of Melbourne […]
Rosy & Damian Rosy and Damian’s wedding is such a beautiful combination of beautiful Spring inspired stationery, bright floral arrangements and […]

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