Handmade jewellery that really reflects my client's personality


Kate Higgins, Jeweller

Kate has 15 years experience in the Jewellery trade, having learnt under some of Melbourne’s most reputable handmade Jewellers.

Eli Speaks was founded by Kate Higgins in 2014. The Eli Speaks name is inspired by an ancestor of Kate’s called Eli Higgins. Eli’s existence during the late 1800’s is recorded in the barest form; a curious karmic poem written about his lack of speech and a father’s regret. Thought to be mute, his efforts to communicate to those around him were difficult, until the day his father died, relieving him of his “curse”.

Although Eli’s story is unusual, that desire of being free to express yourself fully is not. Meeting the one you love is like opening a door to speaking freely, and just being yourself in all your particular ways.

I love to make jewellery that really reflects my client’s personality, involving them from the very first, to the very last steps in the handmade process, so they can truly have their say.

All Eli Jewellery is designed and hand formed by Kate in her private studio in the Century Building, Melbourne CBD, Australia.


Getting To Know Us...
Describe yourself in three words?
Warm, thorough, accommodating.
Best wedding tip
Your rings are one of the only true keepsakes from the day, don't forget to a) organise them, and b) put a little thought and love into their design.
My favourite thing about weddings is...
Celebration! In western culture we don't celebrate life's important moments enough. Any opportunity for a celebration of love is A-ok with me.
Your favourite cocktail
Margarita, hands down.