Midnight Blue

The inky blue of the midnight sky, or the tropical sea before a storm. Combine with apple green and silver, With pale pink and pearl grey. With pale spring green, darker spring green and pearl grey. With pale pink, and mid pink and ivory. With watermelon, orange and hot pink. Touches of spring green. With cherry red, pale blue and sand. With raspberry and cream. With stone, ivory and pale blue. With teal, sky blue and pearl grey. With ivory, cream and gold, with touches of soft apricot Think a variety of textures such as shiny and sparkly, matte, satiny. Silver, gold, pewter, crystals, opals, sapphires. The lustre of pearls, pearlised containers, capiz shell. Black and green olive branches, privet berries, peonies, roses, stephanotis, magnolia, dusty miller foliage, green or pink orchids. Read more...
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