When you think about it, a wedding really is a curious thing. You’re planning an event when you rarely have event planning experience. It’s costly, involves all of the most important people in your life, and has all your emotions (and others’ emotions as well) at play. And you’re just expected to know how to pull it off?

Enter The How To Issue. This August & September, we’re getting back to basics. We know that planning a wedding can be an overwhelming and somewhat paralysing task. We also know that as wedding vendors and people who write about weddings each and every day, basics that seem obvious to us can be brand new information for you.

So this issue? We’re uncovering it all with the help of our many vendor friends. Think: how to set a budget, how to get started with wedding styling, how to figure out your wedding day style – how to, how to, how to! We want you to feel empowered and walk into your wedding knowing your stuff, and we plan to help you do it. Follow along here!

Header image by Love Bomb Photos via Micro Wedding Inspiration: HQ is Golden