The moment you say “I do” is undoubtedly magical and should always be captured, however, the joy and special moments of your wedding day don’t fade as you walk back down the aisle; instead, it spreads into the hours that follow, especially during the reception. This is where memories are made, with your partner and your nearest & dearest, and where the dance floor becomes the stage for unforgettable moments. That’s why Chris from Crispy The Kidd has put together “Why You Should Keep Your Photographer For Your Reception” – sharing reasons why having your wedding photographer stay to capture the reception can mean you get even more memories snapped to remember – from candid laughter to the warmth of family and friends gathered in celebration! 

The joy of friends, family, and loved ones, all under one roof to celebrate the coming together of kindred spirits. What better way to slay this occasion than with a professional photographer who stays throughout your reception? Those once-in-a-lifetime moments are so important for couples to consider.

A reception relived is just worth it…

When considering your reception coverage is having a photographer to document the occasion important to you? If so, and you want to relive the occasion, the joy of the reception, where your guests will feel their most relaxed (especially after a glass of wine or two). Having the photographer (and the right photographer) on the day, you’ll able to relax knowing you have it professionally covered. You can rest assured knowing you’ll have professionally captured photographs produced. They’ll be emotionally charged and will tell a more complete and complex story of the day, other than just the formalities. Receptions often bring out the colours of the day. Your friends and family will share their joy for you and your partner during this time. So why not make sure your photographer is there to witness and photograph it too! 

Portraits are memorable…

Your guests will often interact with the photographer before and around the ceremony, so it makes sense for the photographer to stay on and capture some more personal moments and portraits of your guests spontaneously. You can either keep it casual much like the capturing of the party/dancing, or you can also set up a dedicated ‘portrait studio’. A dedicated portrait studio set up within the reception space is the perfect take-home gift for each of your guests. Your guests often take time out of their own lives, and spend a lot of time and money preparing and dressing for your wedding day, so what better way to gift each of your guests than with a print just for them to take home?

Sunsets by professional.

There is a certain ability to shoot at sunset or during the golden hour. If this style is what you’re after in your wedding album, then having a professional photographer capture it will be all worthwhile. Often ceremonies will lead to couple portrait sessions before the reception but sometimes little ‘breakaways’ from the reception for the couples is the perfect moment to take it all in and can time well with sunsets. I often encourage couples to step away for 30 minutes, just the couple and I, to take a glass of wine and let us casually shoot portraits amongst nature or by the sea. It’s the best way to just soak in the day and reconnect with each other! And if your photographer has left for the day, you lose the chance to capture these truly magical moments together.

About Crispy the Kidd: Crispy travels the world to document true love. From Beach Resorts and Vineyards throughout Asia and Australia to the majestic mountain ranges of Canada and quaint country-scapes of Great Britain, Crispy embraces the nuances of a location and its people to help tell a unique story of the day.