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‘To my son and daughter-in-law’ by G. E. Jones

If I could I would take hold of the sun
I would ask it to shine on you both
If I could, then consider it done
Of this you have my oath

If I could I would speak to the stars
I would ask them to decorate the sky
I would talk to the moon and kindly ask
It to join their romantic plight

If I could I would ask of the snow
To be pure and crisp and white
And the footprints that show
To be yours alone, fresh, clean and bright

If I could I would ask for the rain
To gently fall and settle
To drizzle down the window pane
And rest upon the petals

If I could I would ask the rainbow
To find its end with you
To make you happy and to show
The pot of gold is you.

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