Happy Monday Dotties! Let’s start off a week on a positive note – lots of lovely weddings to look at on Featured, lots of lovely posts and weddings on You, advice on Wisdom, DIY and cocktails on Made and getting away from it all ideas on Honeymoons for you to dream with – what could be better!

And then there’s our Polka Dot Directory filled with vendors who are committed, talented and ready to assist you. Choose from from Suits & Tailors, to  Bridesmaid Gowns, we have Celebrants and Hair & Beauty – we even have  Jewellery and Wedding Planners.

Check out the Polka Dot Directory for wedding vendors who will love your wedding as much as you!

Image by Eve Byers

Everyone needs a little help sometimes, to nip problems in the bud before they become gigantic, to strengthen an already good relationship and confirm that you’re on the right track, or even just some tweaking to make sure that you continue to build on a solid foundation. Natalie Claire King offers a Pre Marriage Counselling course for you to “build a solid foundation for a powerful, fulfilling and intimate life-long relationship together.” You may think, in the glow of love and planning a wedding that you won’t have the time, or ‘we don’t need this’ – or ‘our relationship is perfect’. The thing is – pre marriage counselling will set you up for a strong relationship after all the celebrations and excitement has died down – when reality sets in and day to day life happens. As a relationship specialist trained in couples therapy, Natalie Claire will be able to help you ‘future proof your relationship’.

She adds “Couples can be located anywhere (sessions are done via Zoom) and I offer daytime and evening appointments to fully accommodate your busy schedules. Over the four sessions of the program, I help couples learn simple strategies to manage wedding stress, strengthen communication, resolve conflict, set relationship goals, improve sex & intimacy, prepare for children, manage financial stress and manage in-law relationships.”

So take some time to not only plan your wedding but also plan your marriage – you’ll never regret it!

Main image by Sister Scout Studio

Visit Natalie Claire King Couples Therapy’s pages to find out more about our Vendor Of The Week.

Natalie Claire King Couples Therapy is a member of the Polka Dot Directory.