Walking back down the aisle together, your first journey as a married couple, is a moment that should not be lost. The tradition of throwing confetti began in Italy, where guests would throw grain, rice or flowers to bestow fertility and prosperity. Aside from these good wishes, the process of tossing confetti makes the moment feel like the celebration it is, and the petals strewn across the floor afterwards really do create the most beautiful mess. And let’s not forget to consider how great the photos will be! This DIY tutorial for Petal Confetti Paper Cones is a simple one with very few materials. We used a combination of rose and carnation petals. You could ask the florist from your wedding if they could save any petals from creating your bouquets and arrangements. Or, if you aren’t sold on the floral display, use large multi-colour confetti, eucalyptus leaves, foil stars or whatever fits with you and the theme of your wedding day.

You Will Need: 
6 x sheets of white card (we used 210gsm)
6 x sheets of pale pink cobweb paper (we found ours at a craft store)

Glue tape
Flower petals, leaves or confetti

Step One. Take one sheet of white card and measure 20cm on the long side. Trim at this point so the dimensions of the paper are approximately 20cm x 21cm.

Step Two. Repeat the process for the cobweb paper so you have a piece the same size.  Using glue tape, glue the cobweb paper directly over the white card with approximately 4.5cm overhang to form a ‘border’ on one side.

Step Three. Roll the two layers up so they form a cone.  Use glue tape right along the side to secure. Repeat for each cone.

Step Four. Create petals with your flowers.  Rose petals are great as they stay in a great, un-wilted condition for days.  We used a combination of hot pink rose petals and pale pink carnation petals.

Step Five. Spoon petals into prepared cones. Place them in a box and keep them in a cool place, ready for your ceremony. It is a nice idea to have a good friend or family member hand them out to those seated on the aisle during the signing of the registry. Have your celebrant or MC instruct guests to toss the petals when the bride and groom walk back down the aisle.

Tutorial and images by Jessica Derrick.

Ms Zigzag says: There are many spectacular moments during a wedding, but none beat the sense of joy and celebration that takes over you when the “just married” couple walk back down the aisle together as husband and wife. Make it rain petals and confetti! 

About Jessica Derrick: I’m a writer and a lover of words and stories, pretty papers and flowers. I find great satisfaction in creating something beautiful from the simplest of materials. I’m happiest in a home bustling with conversation and music, sitting at a beautifully decorated table surrounded by good friends and delicious food – with a glass of champagne in hand, of course!