Walter and Carrie
Story Capsule started with Walter and Carrie. They’re both super smart and caring and – fun fact – I first met Carrie while she was serving drinks on roller-blades in our friend’s apartment for a Studio 54 themed new year’s party.
Travis and Jessica
Jessica is my sister’s best friend. We all played high school tennis together and the thing I’ve always admired most about Jessica is how good of a friend she’s been to Julie through the ups and downs of life. Travis has a funny mix of a strong work ethic while still being extremely laid-back and always in a good mood with his huge group of friends. Jessica and Travis had a black-tie-worthy wedding at the historic Omni-Penn in Pittsburgh, so we decided to tell their story focusing on the wedding day: waking up to breakfast and roses being delivered, the ceremony, her dress, their dance, celebrating with the guests past three in the morning, etc…
Jeff and Janet
Grandma and Pap
Everyone I meet has such great, unique stories. My Pap is one of the best men I will ever know, and he told his life story in one of my favorite videos. He was rejected by the US Navy during WWII because he was only 12 years old when he walked across town to enlist. He played football and went to Prom with my Grandma Helen but did not date her in high school. He then joined the Air Force, lived in Europe for a few years, travelled extensively, and even met the Queen! When he came home to run our family’s heating and air-conditioning business, my grandma would drive around the block on her lunch breaks to see if he was out. They started dating in secret because she was Greek Orthodox and he was Roman Catholic, which was a really big deal in the 1950’s.
Ms Zigzag says: A big warm welcome to Jason and the Story Capsule team who have just joined us on the Polka Dot Bride Directory. We are looking forward to watching more of your beautifully captured love stories.
About Story Capsule: Story Capsules are fun, shareable videos that preserve your stories forever. Viewers stop watching videos after 1-2 minutes. We professionally edit your stories into well-paced highlight clips to help you tell a memorable story that’s fun to watch.
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