Tracy and Phil married in this gorgeous country setting on a friend’s farm. They didn’t get caught up in the stress of wedding planning, rather they worked on it together and made the day all about enjoyment for them and their guests. They had this advice to share with our readers:
“Keep things simple and heartfelt. Don’t get carried away with all that other fluff because it doesn’t mean anything and it will just cost you money you could spend on your honeymoon! Talk about the wedding together, organise it together. Don’t just lump in all onto one person because it is supposed to be about celebrating your love for each other and that should be, like, really important! And most importantly…don’t stress too much over the little stuff because, when you wake up the next day, you will wonder why you ever worried about it so much in the first place. As long as you had a good day and everyone else had a good day, that’s all the matters.”
Just stunning!!!