Why not do something different for your wedding menu and create them out of fabric?
All you’ll need is the above, plus an iron, computer and printer.
Before you start, type out your menu (I used this free font) and set it out two to an A4 page. Print the design in reverse onto iron-on transfer paper.
1. Trim transfer paper to slightly larger than text area. Cut fabric into pieces roughly A5 (210x148mm) in size.
2. Lay transfer paper image-down onto a piece of fabric. Iron according to packet directions.
3. Very carefully remove backing paper.
I left the edges raw for a casual look, but if you’re after something more refined you can hem the edges.
It’s a super easy and affordable alternative to screenprinting and is sure to make an impact at your reception.
Ms Gingham says: Nice idea Alicia!
I am Alicia Parsons, the Atypical Type A. I live in Adelaide, South Australia in a modest townhouse with my new hubby Ryan (aka The Man). I am the owner and graphic designer behind Akimbo, which specialises in quirky invitations, announcements and greetings.
Alicia contributes regular DIY projects to Polka Dot Made. You can view her posts here.
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