This recipe is for a cooked egg variation on the traditional raw egg nog. Make it the day before you intend to serve it so that it has time to chill.


6 egg yolks

3 cups milk

1 cup whipping cream

3/4 cup sugar

Frangelico Liquer to taste


1. In a saucepan, whip up egg yolks and sugar until they’re light in colour.

2. Add 2 cups of milk.

3. Turn on heat to medium and stir continuously until the mixture reaches a simmer.

4. Take off the heat and slowly whip in the remaining cup of milk and the whipping cream.

5. Pour into a pitcher or other container and allow to chill in the refrigerator overnight.

6. When you’re ready to serve it, pour a shot of Frangelico into a glass and pour over 2 shots of egg nog. You can adjust these quantities to suit your taste. Stir gently to combine and add ice cubes.

This is delicious. You could sprinkle with cinammon or nutmeg for a more traditional finish. Experiment with different liquers or have it plain for a “virgin” variation.

Photography by Ms Gingham