As the owner and chief designer at le bonbon, I am constantly being asked for advice on how wedding invitations should be worded. In the old days, tradition and formal wording was much more important but these days what your invitations say should really be a reflection of you, your event and the joy of your celebration.

Formality can still have a place and if you’re lucky enough to have your parents pitching in for a big proportion of the costs, you should certainly recognise their generosity by having them host the event, and wording the invitation accordingly. A little something like this…

Some couples are lucky enough to have both set of parents happy to contribute to the cost, and in this situation, you might word your invitation a bit like this…

Then there’s the case of the groom’s parents shouting your wedding…

Most often, however, it’s up to you, the bride and groom, in which case you can really do and say what you want…

All invitation designs and images above from le bonbon.

Ms Gingham says: It’s all these little things that take up so much time when planning your wedding! Thankfully we have experts like Donna from Le Bonbon to guide us through it!

Donna says: “I am the creator of le bonbon, a special place that is full of sweet paper and stationery designs. I started my career in finance but after years of dealing with dull numbers and boring bankers I broke out and reunited with my creative self, firstly with Harry and the Princess and then le bonbon.”