There’s only a week left until The Wedding Workshop! The final touches are coming together- beautiful styling from Orielle, prizes from Alannah Rose Stationery, Pink Frosting & Bridal Survival, panels with your favourite Perth wedding experts, plenty of bubbles and freebies and a chance to mingle with industry professionals in a relaxed environment (did I mention bubbles?)
We have one double pass to give away to a special bride! We can’t attend the event so we’re looking for a Polka Dot Bridette to undertake a very special mission!
To win a double passĀ (Valued at $45) you must a) have a love of writing b)have great attention to detail and c) be available to attend the vent on the 25th August 2010 and d) email us at mspolka at telling us why you need to attend this event!
Alternatively, you can book your tickets to the event by visiting the website.
This is now closed.
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