Well the survey results are in, the votes have been tallied and we can finally share with you some of the results!

Here are some of the fun facts we learnt about our respondents.
– 96% of you are female
– 4% of you are male

Most of you are aged between 25-27 but a fair bunch of you are aged between 28-35.

Most of our respondents are Spring brides! Surprisingly Autumn is the next most popular month followed by Summer and then Winter.

How would you describe your wedding? We did a wordle to find out


Some of you aren’t aware of Ms Polka Dot’s Directory. We’re trying to build a place full of vendors similar in calibre to those we write about in our blog. We figure there is no point using the rule that we only write about what we absolutely love on the blog, if we wouldn’t apply the same standard to our directory members.

On that note- we’re also very conscious of “Sales-y” posts. We know you don’t like them and we don’t either (we’ve never offered discounts to directory members nor received payment for our editorial content). But we do want to show off our directory members and we do want you to see some of Australia’s greatest talent (an the rest of the world as we get there!).


You may have noticed we already have our “Vendor Of The Week” button on our right sidebar. Each week we randomly handpick a vendor who is doing great things and they get a special spot!

We want you to choose how we introduce our vendors to you – each post will be clearly marked but we want to give you the choice of how we show them off!

[polldaddy poll=”2988701″]

Many of you would love to see your own wedding on Polka Dot Bride (including a few of the competition winners!) I know we’re always a little tardy in responding to submissions (we get so many) but we would absolutely love to get them and see what our brides are doing with their weddings!

We’re always on the lookout for weddings that are heartfelt, full of soul and personality! Please submit your wedding through our submissions page here.

There have been lots and lots of suggestions for topics you would like to see us write about – enough to keep us writing for a long time to come. And we waded into the criticism – boots and all.

We’re so grateful for all of your responses to our survey. We’ve been collating them for a few weeks and are continually amazed at how creative and pretty darn fabulous our readers are! We’re instating a lot of the suggestions you put forward – so keep reading – you may just find that something you have suggested, pops up on Polka Dot Bride.