There’s two NEW magazines out that are tailored to one of my addictions!
The Shop Til You Drop team have produced ‘Shop Weddings’ and Cleo has come out with ‘Cleo Click’. I love magazines devoted to shopping so it’s been a great few months!
There are some great finds in these magazines- from beautiful shoes and accessories in ‘Shop Weddings’ and inspirational online store stories in ‘Cleo Click’.
‘Cleo Click’ even features one of my favourite blogs ‘Oh Joy!’
There are so many unique online stores/sites that have missed out in these issues so I urge you as readers of Polka Dot Bride to email and write to the editors of these magazines and let them know about the sites that you really love.
Contact Shop Weddings on shop {at} acpmagazines dot com dot au and Cleo Click on cleo {at} acp dot com dot au
Shop weddings! What a fabulous idea… as a bride on a budget I’ve noticed that a dollar sign is conspicuously absent from many of the wedding glossies. Will be picking this one up for weekend reading.